My name is Sophie WIlday and I'm a photography student. Through many years I have been passionate about photography and the images I saw as a child. As I have no skill what so ever in drawing, painting or sculpture, I needed to find a way to let out my creativity. As soon as I found photography, I knew it was what I wanted to do, to earn a living doing something I love. After taking numerous images and realising most have been lost, I realised a blog is the perfect way to capture what I shoot and to share it with other like minded people.
SInce becoming a photography student, I have started to take more and more images, and seeing them get better and better. This is a way for me to take pride in the photographs I take and have them recorded for years on end.
For a while now I have thought about what type of photography interests me the most, and what types I want to focus on; over the last few months, I have become passionate and focused on wedding photography and underwater photography. Although very opposite fields, both appeal to me and I hope to take more and more photos not only capturing someones special day, but diving underwater and taking images of what I can find.
For now, the images that will be posted over the next few months will be what college assignments I do and many other images I take and experiment with.
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